GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses
Welcome to GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses was started by Guy M. Hilder in Houston, Texas in the late 1980's. Mr. Hilder was working in the family business of oil field and heavy equipment sales and business was fairly good. Mr. Hilder took the leap and left the security of Houston Systems Manufacturing Company (HSMC), his father's corporation, and formed GMH Businesses as a sole proprietorship. GMH as the company is known worked in the same areas as HSMC in the beginning and was able to use the contacts made while employed at HSMC to get GMH off the ground. In 1991 with falling oil prices Mr. Hilder moved his family to the Austin, Texas area and a few years later formally incorporated GMH Businesses as a limited corporation under the laws of the state of Texas.

Since that time, GMH has been involved in several areas of business from oil field and heavy equipment sales to business finance and commercial loans. Additionally in the late nineties GMH became involved in international bond sales and financial derivatives. This lead to GMH being involved in securing financing for businesses large and small all over the globe. It was at this time that GMH started to help out small businesses with management and financial services.

Today GMH Businesses is involved in many areas of international business including business management and IT services. Of course the main stay of our business is still the sale of new and reconditioned oil field and heavy equipment, and international business finance. GMH has also built a very nice base in the area of international development in the last few years. We are currently working with the governments of Vietnam and China on development projects in both countries and we are looking at investment opportunities in Central and South America. As we move forward into this new century GMH is looking to maintain its current business operations while constantly looking for the next good opportunity.
GMH Businesses
GMH Businesses